September 22, 2017

Reminder – You are required to write a minimum of 350 words each week. Adding an image of something you have designed/created that you discuss in your blog is worth five points extra credit!

Juniors – Illustrator: Book vs Tutorials, State Fair Entries, Optional Contests
1. Reflect on the first five chapters of the Illustrator Book.
2. Reflect on the tutorial(s) that you chose to work on in Illustrator.
3. What did you learn to do in Illustrator that you had no idea you would never be able to do?
4. Reflect on your State Fair Art Show entry. If you did not enter, explain why?
5. Several optional contests have been offered to you. Will you enter any? Explain your answer.
6. You may reflect on the articles below!

Seniors –  Logo for Human Affairs Commission, Senior Mastery
1. Reflect on your design process for the SCHAC Logo.
2. Reflect on everything you worked on this week for your senior mastery.
3. You may reflect on the articles below.


Why Can’t the U.S. Decolonize Its Design Education?
What truly diverse + inclusive international programs can teach Americans

The First Thing I Ever Designed

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