December 15, 2017

Reminder – You are required to write a minimum of 350 words each week. Adding an image of something you have designed/created that you discuss in your blog is worth five points extra credit!

Juniors – Photoshop, Planning for Final Exam Candy Bar Project
1. Reflect on what you learned this week in Photoshop from the book/videos.
2. What is your all time favorite design, art, or photography blog, and why?.
3. Who is your favorite graphic designer, artist, or photographer, and why?
4. What progress did you make on your candy bar project?

Seniors – Senior Mastery, Internship Agreement
1. Reflect on everything you worked on this week for your senior mastery in school and outside of school.
2. Where will you be interning and what day will you begin in January?
3. What is your all time favorite design, art, or photography blog, and why?.
4. Who is your favorite graphic designer, artist, or photographer, and why?
5. Share the best thing you learned this week that was not assigned to you to learn.

***Extra: Typography – All that you need to know and more!

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